Large companies have been benefiting from the advantages of robotic welding for decades. This time and effort has involved an investment in equipment and research, development and innovation that has resulted in an increasingly accessible and economical way of using industrial robots. Today, all this effort has allowed SMEs easier and cheaper access not only to industrial robots from large companies to give them a second life, but also to an effective technology, previously unattainable, to carry out welding processes in an automated way. Probably the only way at the moment for these companies to be a competitive force in the increasingly global and connected market.
Thanks to the use of second-hand industrial robots, the processes, their traceability, precision, economy and variety are changing the daily lives of small companies that otherwise saw their work doomed to inefficiency.
The fact that half of the world's industrial robots are used for welding gives a good insight into how vital their implementation is: welding is by far the most widely used application for industrial robotics. And there are more and more companies every day that can benefit from robotic welding thanks to the use of equipment that large companies regularly renew, mainly due to the ease with which the investment in robotic welding is amortised.
The automotive industry is the paradigm of an industry with a massive use of robotic welding, not only for vehicles, but also for their accessories and spare parts, whose long shadow is now giving shelter to small companies through the reuse of equipment to which a reconditioning process easily gives a second full life. Sustainability, re-use, ecology and economy join the countless advantages already proposed by industrial robotics. A perfect proposition, as small and medium-sized companies hardly used welding robots to carry out their processes a few years ago, mainly because the cost of implementing robotics was previously practically unattainable for these companies. But new technologies, time, experience and establishment in the market have drastically reduced these costs, and the use of second-hand industrial robotics for robotic welding is now proving to be a much lighter endeavour.
On the one hand, more diverse, more economical, more portable, and more efficient welding systems are constantly being created to meet the most varied needs, which is allowing access to industrial robot welding with minimal investment. Increasing our productivity, quality, efficiency, lead time and quality forecasting, material economy and a safer working environment are more within reach than ever before.
It is clear that there is a growing need to upgrade traditional manufacturing processes to the automated environment: it is key to the competitiveness of companies today and will be even more so in the future, as demonstrated by the growing importance of industrial robots around the world. The lack of updating and modernisation of processes, linked to the need to adjust costs, has for decades led to the relocation of production sites and small and medium-sized companies to an increasing competitive imbalance: a highly productive and consistent solution at all levels lies in the automation with used industrial robots of all those processes that allow cost adjustment and increased competitiveness.
Robots Gallery buys, refurbishes and sells used industrial robots across the globe. Through recycling and reuse we provide an average saving of 45% on the investment in industrial robots, providing equipment with a long life ahead of it, fully functional, guaranteed, and amortizable in more affordable terms. Furthermore, working with the best welding specialists, we offer second-hand industrial robots already equipped for welding and we provide our customers with contact with engineering companies specialised in the execution of turnkey robotic welding products: whatever you may need, we will find a suitable solution.